Cornell University did a study with 72 high performing CEO’s.  Asked to boil down their success to one single trait, the overarching and most frequent trait they found was paramount for success: Self Awareness.  

The better you know yourself, the more you will be able to make the world a better place.  No matter what your vocation, if you presume the way you see the world is how others see it, it sets us up for failure.   

  • How can Self Awareness transform your organization wether business, church, non profit, or even your home?  Self Awareness reduces conflict, eliminates inefficiency, improves communication, changes culture of your organization, shapes collaboration, increases good decisions making, and improves retention.  Whether you are a mom, dad, student, CEO, manager, pastor, or leader in any field, there’s a proven tool to help you increase self awareness in real time.  Its called the Enneagram.  

  • What is the Enneagram? The Enneagram is the most powerful system of transformational psychology available today. This practical yet elegant view of humanity describes nine basic personality types and their relationships to one another, giving insight into the habitual patterns and motivations that underlie behavior. It goes beyond mere descriptions of personality to provide a dynamic, compassionate, and comprehensive guide for living your life and interacting with others.

I have studied under Enneagram teachers like Jerry Wagner, Scott and Claire Loughridge, Beth Mccord, and Jim Cofield.  

Space for Your Soul offers a variety of opportunities to grow yourself, business, or church in Self Awareness.  

  • 1 to 1 Coaching

  • Church staff teams

  • Business Team Development (Experience  with Caterpillar, The Spacia Group) (we partner with )