Directly below is a brief thematic overview of each module’s focus as well as a general description of the work overall involved for Year 1. Our 5 face-to-face meetings (virtual or in-person) normally occur every other month over the course of 2 days. If in-person, these typically meet from 9am-5pm (with 90 min for lunch). If virtual, the normal meeting time is 9am-4pm (with 60 min for lunch).

There are 5 modules (the 2-day sessions), with a theme to each one:

  • Story & Conversation 1

  • Story & Conversation 2

  • Self-Awareness & the Enneagram

  • Discernment & Group Direction

  • Stages of Faith

There are 10 books to read: 2 for each of the 5 modules, creating a reading pace of about 1 book per month. In our present culture we have a nasty habit of confusing information with wisdom. We mistakenly equate the intellectual comprehension of a spiritual fact with the embodied wisdom that accrues via reflection and application. That said, we encourage you to read to be formed rather than informed.

Participants meet monthly with their own spiritual director. We’d prefer you find a one who has been trained in the School of Spiritual Direction so that you can experience it in the way we teach it, but this isn’t a requirement.

Participants agree to offer spiritual direction to two people, meeting a minimum requirement of 10 sessions over the course of Year 1. Meeting with directees from the outset isn’t premature. We learn a language in this same messy fashion – by diving in and attempting to speak it. Mess always goes before fluency. The simultaneous combination of offering direction, receiving direction, reading on the topic, and group interaction accelerates learning. (During Module 1 we’ll discuss ways to get the word out and find directees.)

A Summary Reflection is a simple 1-2 page reflective paper in which you briefly recap your experience of the following:

  • receiving direction

  • offering direction

  • engaging in spiritual disciplines and practices

  • the books we’re reading

  • any pertinent life experiences you want to share with the cohort

  • questions you may want addressed during the next cohort meeting

Supervision, individual or in small groups, is a way of going deeper with our spiritual direction practice by examining, in a reflective way and with the help of others, a portion of a particular direction session where you experienced some form of interior turbulence. To help you, we have a Contemplative Reflection Form that you’ll fill out with a portion of your spiritual direction conversation.

During Year 1, you’ll have the added feedback tool of recording your practice sessions. (You’ll need written or oral permission, of course; additionally, let directees know we’ll protect their anonymity.) The added benefit of recording all your sessions is that you can go back and listen to yourself as a director, noticing things that escaped you during live sessions. When you choose a particular session for a Supervision Form (see above), upload the recording on which it’s based. Your teacher will listen to these and give constructive feedback.

Our development as directors is tightly knit to our own spiritual formation. Consequently, we introduce a particular spiritual exercise each time we’re together, encouraging you to continue in the practice while we’re apart. This shared practice will make for richer conversations when we’re together again.

Year 1 Cost Overview

The cost for Year 1 is $2500. Once you’ve submitted your application and had a conversation with your teacher (who gives the green light), you can reserve your spot with a $500 deposit ($100 is non-refundable with the $400 deposit balance refundable up to the start of your cohort). You can pay the entire cost up front if it’s affordable and more convenient. If not, you can elect to pay the balance of $2000 in 8 consecutive monthly payments of $250 at the beginning of each month. The first installment is due prior to your cohort’s first meeting.

Other Cost Information
Books, Spiritual Direction, transportation, lodging and food are not included. Each cohort will receive lodging and food information for their particular site from their teacher.